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Happy Holidays


DJ MaupiB & Rafa'L at the decks with a gift of Sound and Vision to get you in the Holidaymood. Christmas Time Is Here. Be Thankful and Love Just A Little Bit More. Gimme the Breaks and some oldskool Firecrackers to Ze Dance in to 2024! Not Too Shabby though!

Cristo Redentor. Who ever is your Redentor, enjoy,

Christmas Time Is Here!

Despite all brutality and cruelty in this world, remember: Be Thankful for what you've got!

Good Tidings to y'all. Santa's throwing a Rap Party.

Every year just about this time, Kurtis celebrates here with a rhyme.

And James is decorating a Soulfull Christmas tree.

To make it a Funky Funky Christmas:

Santa's got the funk, Frosty's got the funk, Rudolph's got the funk, even the Grunch has got the funk.

And hear hear, run, Christmas carols In Hollis!

Snoop don't want no Christmas! No gifts from Snoop this year.

But hey, look out the window, Christmas Snow... really? Mwah

Do you remember? September? No, December!

The month to Love You Just A Little Bit More. Surrender.

Don't you know I'm Still in Love.

Ding Dong, ding, do-ong! It's the Blood Sisters.

And Alicia, almost comatose, hypnotized, each night in Rapture.

Making a playlist is our simple pleasure, now tell us, What's Your Pleasure these days?

Ours is this Gift of Sound and Vision!

New Years coming up, Gimme the Breaks

and some old skool Firecrackers,

To make it a Funky New Year!

2024 will Bring You Up

Easy style but Wanna Be Starting Something?

Try to danse le Mia.

Or Favelas.

And If you hear any noise, it's just me and Maupi B.

Looking Good, thank you, uh-huh, Not Too Shabby!

Now come on, Ze Dance into 2024!

2024 will be a another Long Train Running, but without love where would you be now?

It is always Love, in the end, Love Will Bring Us Back Together

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